Si tratta di una ricetta di Salvatore de Riso, tratto dal libro "Dolci del sole"... buonissime!!!!!
DOLCE D'AMALFI di Salvatore De Riso
DOLCE D'AMALFI di Salvatore De Riso
INGREDIENTI per 12 tortine (o, come prevede la ricetta, uno stampo semisferico di 18 cm di diametro):
160 g zucchero a velo
130 g burro morbido
100 g uova intere (2) a temperatura ambiente
100 g latte fresco intero a temperatura ambiente
100 g mandorle pelate dolci
80 g farina senza glutine per dolci (io uso Mix dolci Shar)
50 g fecola di patate
2 limoni costa d'Amalfi
1 baccello di vaniglia
60 g scorza di limone candita
5 g lievito in polvere per dolci
2 g sale
160 g zucchero a velo
130 g burro morbido
100 g uova intere (2) a temperatura ambiente
100 g latte fresco intero a temperatura ambiente
100 g mandorle pelate dolci
80 g farina senza glutine per dolci (io uso Mix dolci Shar)
50 g fecola di patate
2 limoni costa d'Amalfi
1 baccello di vaniglia
60 g scorza di limone candita
5 g lievito in polvere per dolci
2 g sale
Con le fruste elettriche, in una ciotola capiente, montare a crema il burro con lo zucchero per circa 5 minuti.
Unire la scorza grattugiata dei limoni, il sale, la polpa di vaniglia e la scorza di limone candita finemente tritata.
Poi incorporare le uova, una per volta, emulsionando con le fruste elettriche a velocità bassa.
A parte, setacciare la farina con la fecola, il lievito e poi aggiungere le mandorle dopo averle ridotte quasi in polvere nel mixer.
Al composto preparato amalgamare, poco a poco, il latte, alternandolo alle miscele di farine, lievito e mandorle.
Versare l'impasto negli stampini, precedentemente imburrati e infarinati con farina di mais (io avevo stampi in silicone, quindi ho saltato questo passaggio).
Infornare a 160°C per circa 30 minuti.
Poi lasciar raffreddare, ma sformare le tortine quando sono ancora tiepide.
Poco prima di servire, cospargere la superficie con zucchero a velo.
For 2014 my proposal (one of many ... ) is to publish at least one post a week. I wonder if I'll make it ... for now here I am, second post of the year!
This is a Salvatore de Riso recipe, from the book " Dolci del sole" ... delicious!!!
AMALFI CAKE by Salvatore De Riso
INGREDIENTS for 12 mini cakes (or, as in the originale recipe, one hemispherical mold of 18 cm in diameter):
160 g icing sugar
130 g soft butter
100 g whole eggs (2) at room temperature
100 g fresh whole milk at room temperature
100 g sweet almonds, peeled
80 g gluten free flour for cakes
50 g potato starch
2 Amalfi lemons
1 vanilla pod
60 g candied lemon peel
5 g baking powder for cakes
2 g salt
With an electric mixer, in a large bowl whip butter and sugar for about 5 minutes.
Combine the grated lemon rind , salt, vanilla and candied lemon peel, finely chopped.
Then add the eggs, one at a time, emulsified with an electric mixer at low speed.
In anther bowl, sift flour with starch, baking powder and then add the almonds after reducing them almost to powder in a mixer.
Add milk and the mixtures of flour, baking powder and almonds, little by little.
Pour the batter into the molds, buttered and floured with corn meal (I had silicone molds, so I skipped this step.)
Bake at 160°C for about 30 minutes.
Then let it cool, but unmold the cakes while still warm.
Sprinkle the top with powdered sugar just before serving.
For 2014 my proposal (one of many ... ) is to publish at least one post a week. I wonder if I'll make it ... for now here I am, second post of the year!
This is a Salvatore de Riso recipe, from the book " Dolci del sole" ... delicious!!!
AMALFI CAKE by Salvatore De Riso
160 g icing sugar
130 g soft butter
100 g whole eggs (2) at room temperature
100 g fresh whole milk at room temperature
100 g sweet almonds, peeled
80 g gluten free flour for cakes
50 g potato starch
2 Amalfi lemons
1 vanilla pod
60 g candied lemon peel
5 g baking powder for cakes
2 g salt
Combine the grated lemon rind , salt, vanilla and candied lemon peel, finely chopped.
Then add the eggs, one at a time, emulsified with an electric mixer at low speed.
In anther bowl, sift flour with starch, baking powder and then add the almonds after reducing them almost to powder in a mixer.
Add milk and the mixtures of flour, baking powder and almonds, little by little.
Pour the batter into the molds, buttered and floured with corn meal (I had silicone molds, so I skipped this step.)
Bake at 160°C for about 30 minutes.
Then let it cool, but unmold the cakes while still warm.
Sprinkle the top with powdered sugar just before serving.